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Giuseppe Verdi
Giuseppe Verdi

Brent Ellis, Walter Macneil, Marie Mclaughlin
Orchestra, Chorus: 
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Bernard Haitink
Sir Peter Hall

After “Aida” and “La forza del destino”, ARTHAUS MUSIK offers another brilliant prelude to the forthcoming Verdi Year with this recording of the staging and television production of La Traviata by Peter Hall, under the baton of Bernhard Haitink, and with Marie McLaughlin in the title role. The opera was produced for the Glyndebourne Festival Opera in 1988. John Gunter’s décor and costumes illustrate the Paris of the nineteenth century against the social background of the ancien régime. The producer draws a clear line between the splendid public lifestyle of Violetta and her modest private reality. Clocks everywhere recall the transience and brevity of the Traviata’s life. In 1852, together with Giuseppina Strepponi, with whom at that time he lived in the country, and who was later to become his wife, Verdi saw Alexandre Dumas’ new play La dame aux camélias (based on Dumas’ 1848 novel of the same name) at the Parisian Theâtre du Vaudeville. Dumas was one of the lovers of the “historical” figure Alphonsine (or Marie, as she called herself) Duplessis, the famous Parisian courtesan, who died in 1847 at the age of 23.
Giuseppe Verdi
Realistics Revelations of intimate Inner Psychology La Traviata represents a milestone in musical history, marking a move from Romantic opera towards a greater degree of realism. For the first time ever, contemporary material and figures had been chosen as the basis for an opera. A real prostitute, tuberculosis, a so-called man of honour(...)
Giuseppe Verdi
This production of Verdi’s ever-popular, melodic opera was filmed in Busseto, near Parma, Italy, close to the composer’s home and birthplace. The story of the opera concerns the plight of Violetta a mid-19th century Parisian courtesan who is dying of consumption. She responds to the ardent love of the young Alfredo but sacrifices him(...)