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Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven

Murray Perahia
Orchestra, Chorus: 
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Sir Georg Solti

The highlight of the celebrations in March 1987 during the fifth anniversary of the opening of the London Barbican Centre was the concert of the London Symphony Orchestra under Sir George Solti. The special event was held to celebrate the creation of a cultural centre and a residential complex which with its numerous theatres, cinemas and galleries is the largest of its kind in Europe and whose new large concert hall has now become the home of the “LSO”. Solti''s programme concept for the evening was to offer variety with a unified theme, an appropriate concept for the place. Solti said “I have selected this Beethoven programme to represent three very different moods – the heavyweight Coriolan overture, the light, Mozart-like first piano concert, and finally the wonderful glorification of dance represented by the seventh symphony.”
Ludwig van Beethoven
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German reunification on October 3, 2015, Arthaus Musik combines two unique programmes as 2 DVD Edition. The impressive documentary Classical Music and Cold War – Musicians in the GDR by Thomas Zintl spans the range from the founding of the two German states in 1949 to the fall of the Wall in 1989.(...)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“They want to have fun from dusk till dawn. In this, Mr Mozart and the ravers are quite alike.” If you want to get to the bottom of this statement by Friedrich Gulda, the concert “A night with Friedrich Gulda” of the Munich Klaviersommer 1995 provides the perfect opportunity. Gulda, the ingenious piano virtuoso, performs classic(...)