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Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
Gewandhaus Leipzig, 1991 | 2009

Venceslava Hruba-Freiberger, Doris Soffel, James Wagner, Gwynne Howell
Orchestra, Chorus: 
Gewandhaus Chorus and Orchestra
Kurt Masur
Thomas Zintl
Gewandhaus Leipzig

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German reunification on October 3, 2015, Arthaus Musik combines two unique programmes as 2 DVD Edition. The impressive documentary Classical Music and Cold War – Musicians in the GDR by Thomas Zintl spans the range from the founding of the two German states in 1949 to the fall of the Wall in 1989. Using archive material and interviews with political as well as cultural representatives of that time like Helmut Schmidt, Peter Schreier and Kurt Masur the film draws a parallel between the cultural and political developments. The performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 at the Gewandhaus Leipzig in 1991 turned out to be a great success for Kurt Masur. Masur, the Gewandhaus’ music director from 1970 to 1996, was one of the six prominent Leipzig citizens who came up with the call “Keine Gewalt!” (“No Violence!”) on the Monday demonstration on October 9, 1989, thus contributing significantly to its peaceful outcome. Since then, Kurt Masur and the Gewandhaus orchestra have been part of the collective memory.
Johann Sebastian Bach
The aspect of universality of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Mass in B Minor was recognized at an early stage. The term “Mass” was not in fact Bach’s own, nor was the work written primarily for liturgical use. Bach worked on the Mass for two decades, probably up until shortly before his death, and he incorporated into it numerous compositions(...)
Ludwig van Beethoven
The highlight of the celebrations in March 1987 during the fifth anniversary of the opening of the London Barbican Centre was the concert of the London Symphony Orchestra under Sir George Solti. The special event was held to celebrate the creation of a cultural centre and a residential complex which with its numerous theatres, cinemas and galleries is(...)