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Giuseppe Verdi
Giuseppe Verdi

Piotr Beczala, Elena Moşuc, Leo Nucci
Orchestra, Chorus: 
Chor und Orchester der Oper Zürich
Nello Santi
Gilbert Deflo

Rigoletto tells the story of the crippled court jester Rigoletto and his adored daughter Gilda, whom he desperately tries to protect from the advances of the pleasure-loving Duke of Mantua. While Gilda naïvely gives credence to the Duke’s amorous advances, he is concerned only with constantly changing erotic relationships, of which he boasts in his famous aria Questa o quella. Rigoletto fails. A terrible curse uttered against him by Count Monterone, whom he had once ridiculed before the entire court, comes true: at the end he holds his beloved daughter dead in his arms.
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner’s early opera “Rienzi” is stylistically closer to Meyerbeer and bel canto than to Wagner’s later masterworks. Yet even this early work – especially as presented in this recording – is “so fantastically beautiful that it takes one’s breath away” (Berliner Zeitung). And in this staging by Philipp Stölzl, who(...)
Giuseppe Verdi
RIGOLETTO IN VERONA “The Duke must of necessity be a lecher” – with these words Verdi opposed the police censorship of his Rigoletto. For the then government the dissipated and unscrupulous life at court was portrayed too realistically in the opera, so that only after considerable revision was Rigoletto finally premièred in Venice in 1851.(...)