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Vincenco Bellini
Vincenco Bellini
Parma, Teatro Regio di Parma, 2001

Shin Young Hoon (Pollione), Ildar Abdrazakov (Oroveso), June Anderson (Norma), Daniela Barcellona (Adalgisa), Svetlana Ignatovitch (Clotilde)
Orchestra, Chorus: 
Orchestra Auropa Galante Coro del Festival Verdi
Fabio Biondi
Roberto Andò
Parma, Teatro Regio di Parma

This production of Vincenzo Bellini’s masterpiece Norma is extraordinary in many aspects: Staged by Italian director and filmmaker Roberto Andó at the Teatro Regio in Parma, it gathered international stars like American soprano June Anderson as Norma, whose lyric voice shines particularly brightly against the softer sound texture of historic instruments, and rising star Daniela Barcellona as well as Russian bass lldar Abdrazakov. The ensemble’s velvety tone and transparent playing enabled a constant musical exchange between orchestra and singers, which complemented the exquisite voices perfectly. Fabio Biondi’s transparent conducting and the authentic performance practice of Europa Galante illuminated the musical structure of Bellini’s opera and provided a new perspective on early 19th century opera.
Giuseppe Verdi
After personal tragedies and the fiasco of his last opera Un giorno di regno, Verdi wanted to give up composing for ever. Fortunately he made a further attempt: Nabucco. His first real success, the first genuine “Verdi opera”, was born. Nabucco – the complex story of Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, who proclaims himself God and is(...)
Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi wrote hundreds of largely famous instrumental works, and his glorious church music is well known; but it wasn’t until recent decades that his operas – of which he is said to have created more than fifty – were resurrected. Orlando furioso occupies a central and very significant place among Vivaldi’s works. Not only does the whole(...)