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This documentary investigates the complete story of Van Gogh’s life and work: from his childhood in Brabant, through his laborious years of apprenticeship in Nuenen and artistic coming-of-age in Paris to the exhilarating peak of his career in the south of France. This fi lm contains unique footage of the places in Europe where Van Gogh lived and worked: in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Experts at the Van Gogh Museum provide insight into Vincent’s sources of inspiration and use his letters to show how he struggled to become a truly modern artist. The documentary contains all of the artist’s masterpieces as well as numerous lesser-known paintings and sketches. Bonus DVD: Van Gogh’s Fame, including exclusive interviews with Van Gogh family members and the director of the Van Gogh Museum. “The most extensive documentary film on Van Gogh, by experts from the Van Gogh Museum.”
Igor Stravinsky
This programme records the meeting of two Russian musical giants, as Valéry Gergiev, the most charismatic and dynamic conductor of our day, rehearses, performs and discusses Stravinsky’s masterpiece. Innovative, inspiring and exhilarating, the Sacre du printemps is close to the maestro’s heart. Among a wide range of archive(...)
Tannhäuser or Il Trovatore? Rienzi or Aida? Fish or fowl? The decision between Wagner and Verdi devides opera lovers into cultural enemies. Giuseppe Verdi, the Southern European, is famous for his anthropocentric work – lovely, melodic, tragic and true-to-life. The German Richard Wagner is known and admired for his heroic(...)