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Tata Nacho, Giacomo Puccini, Franz Liszt, Jules Massenet, Francesco Paolo Tosti
Tata Nacho, Giacomo Puccini, Franz Liszt, Jules Massenet, Francesco Paolo Tosti

Vincenzo Scalera (piano), José Carreras (tenor)
Michael Fischer-Ledenice

Including: Jules Massenet: Ouvre tes yeux bleus Reynaldo Hahn: L’heure exquise Gabriel Fauré: Après un rêve Joaquín Turina: Nunca olvida Joaquín Turina: Los dos miedos Tata Nacho: Tengo Nostalgia de ti Tata Nacho: Intima Giacomo Puccini: Sole e amore Giacomo Puccini: Terra e mare Giacomo Puccini: Menti all’avviso Franz Liszt: I vidi in terra angelici costumi Franz Liszt: Benedetto sia ’l giorno Franz Liszt: Pace non trovo Francesco Paolo Tosti: Apri Francesco Paolo Tosti: Non t’amo più Francesco Paolo Tosti: A vucchella Francesco Paolo Tosti: L’ultima canzone Encores: Salvatore Cardillo: Catari Agustìn Lara: Granada Rodolfo Falvo: Dicitencello vuie Francesco Cilèa: È la solita storia (Lamento di Frederico, from L’Arlesiana) Edvard Grieg: Jeg elsker Dig In July 1987 the 40-year-old José Carreras was forced to accept the devastating diagnosis that he was suffering from leukaemia. After a year spent fighting to save the life of the world famous singer – at first with little hope of success – doctors finally achieved what they and hundred thousands of fans all over the world had been praying for. The charming Catalan won the fight against cancer and was able to start his comeback. This liederabend is without doubt one of the most extraordinary evenings of vocal music in the glittering history of the Vienna State Opera. For it represents not simply a celebratory comeback to the stage after many months of absence: what it amounts to is nothing less than an artistic rebirth. When José Carreras took to the stage, the audience rose in unison and a banner was hoisted aloft in the stalls proclaiming the message everyone in the audience thought of: “José, we love you!”
This DVD “Im Wald” (“Under the Trees”) by Uli Aumüller and Sebastian Rausch shows 8 examples of how panoramic pictures of the forest can be synchronized through merging them with music of different periods in time and styles. An essential element both in the composing process of the selected music and the visual design is the balance(...)
Pietro Mascagni, Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti
Famous Arias from VERDI, DONIZETTI, ROSSINI, BELLINI, PUCCINI, WAGNER, PONCHIELLI, MASCAGNI, CILÈA, MASSENET, DEBUSSY Recorded in August 1988 at the Arena di Verona, this gala concert – on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Arena di Verona Opera Festival – is one of the high acclaimed concerts of(...)