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Ursula von Rydingsvard, Mark Dion, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Robert Adams

Art in the 21st Century is an award-winning series of 24 programmes in which over 100 contemporary artists talk about their creations, the way they work and their individual view of art. Ai Weiwei, Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, Jenny Holzer and many others open up their studios and share with us their approach to creating a work of art. The series offers insights into the entire spectrum of contemporary visual art forms from sculptures, installations and conceptual art to photography and painting. How is our understanding of the natural world deeply cultural? How artists could give answer to the urgent ecological problems of our time? The ''Art in the Twenty-First Century'' documentary “Ecology” explores these questions in the work of the artists Robert Adams, Mark Dion, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, and Ursula von Rydingsvard. Viewers can discover what goes on inside the minds of these dynamic and thoughtful artists, and what they have to say can significantly expand our knowledge and understanding of the world.
ART21 is an award-winning series of 24 programmes in which 100 contemporary artists talk about their creations, the way they work and their individual view of art. How does contemporary art address the idea of consumption? How do artists question commonly held assumptions about commerce, mass media, and consumer society? The episode(...)
Art21 is an award-winning series of 24 programmes in which more than 90 contemporary artists talk about their creations, the way they work and their individual view of art. How might desires and taboos shape our ability to imagine? What role does technology play in wish fulfilment? The episode “Fantasy” explores these questions in the work(...)